July is a tough month for me!!
I have to manage all my hectic schedule, and live it in balance.
Work, with all the deadline, articles, responsibilities.
Thesis!! I have to finished the last two chapters in three weeks!
Short-semester in August.
And of course my ministry.
I have to guard my heart carefully.
A lot of people seems enjoying this July with vacation, going abroad, out of town, take a day off, shopping.
Even my own parents and sisters has left and gonna leave me soon for holiday trip.
And I have to stuck here with all of these.
But hey, I should be grateful!
A lot of responsibilities are in my hands.
Big responsibility.
Thank God, I still have to work, I still can go to college and go through this thesis-making thingy.
This afternoon, when I watched the TV, I found the latest update about the Lapindo's victims.
You know this thing that happened in Surabaya.
A lot of people, 8200 people, lost their houses.
They have to move to a camp, and live in a 6x3 m room!
They don't have perfect sanitation, nor active income, nor electricity, nor appropriate foods.
They lost everything!
Their lives were turned upside down, and they have to deal with it.
My problem is nothing compared to them.
Lessons learned.
I should be grateful.
You too should be grateful.
If you think your life is a complete mess. Think thrice!
If you think people treat you unfairly. Think thrice!
Those Lapindo's victims were forced to live under that circumstance because of a human error.
Because a person, or a party made a terrible mistake, and they have to received the impact.
Now, is that fair enough??
Ok, I'm gonna leave it at that.
It is now a lil bit out of topic.
So anyway, back to my busy life.
I really need your prayer support guys.
I might look like I don't have any problems, from the outside.
But seriously, I am quite stress and pressured on the inside.
Hmm.. I dunno how to close this article.
So, toodles! :D
ps. Sorry for Laras, Christine and Debora, who's been asking me to go out and have a chat with them.