Thursday, March 4, 2010

How to be Foolish

One way to think about wisdom is to think about what is not. Like Erasmus said, "The wise have more to learn from the fools, than the fools from the wise". Knowledge of what makes us unwell should give us a clearer indication of what will make us better. And why something doesn't work should hint at how it might work.

Bingung? Intinya learn from the opposite.

Jadi melalui note ini saya ingin mengajak kalian untuk belajar menjadi bijaksana, dengan terlebih dahulu belajar bagaimana caranya jadi orang bebal.

Siap untuk belajar??

There are 7 Principles of Foolish Living.

1. Don't Think

The first principle untuk jadi orang bebal gampang banget. Enggak usah mikir. Bukan cuma enggak usah mikir, tapi juga kita harus pintar-pintar memilih hal-hal yang masuk ke dalam pikiran kita, yang mungkin aja bisa memancing kita untuk berpikir.

Pikirin aja hal yang enteng, yang menyenangkan, jangan pikirin hal yang berat.
Enggak usah baca buku yang membangun, nonton film yang ribet, seneng-seneng ajaaa...

Dalam kehidupan kita sebagai manusia akan ada fase-fase, di mana naturally kita ditantang untuk fokus sebentar dan berpikir dalam-dalam. Momen ketika kita harus memikirkan apa rencana kita setelah lulus kuliah. Momen untuk memulai hubungan yang serius yang mengarah ke pernikahan. Momen punya anak, dan belajar soal parenting.

Tapi, sebagai orang bebal, jangan biarkan semua itu mempengaruhi kita. Setiap kali kita dipaksa untuk berpikir, larilah! Ada banyak getaway yang bisa kita pakai untuk bersembunyi, salah satu contohnya, alkohol. Seneng-seneng sama temen juga bisa mencegah kita dari berpikir serius.

Pokoknya, sibukkan diri kalian bagaimana caranya supaya kalian terhindar dari hal-hal yang akan membuat kalian berpikir.

2. Never Be Serious.

No offense to orang bijak, bukan berarti wise people juga enggak bisa enggak serius kadang-kadang. Tapi sebagai orang bebal, kita dituntut untuk selalu santaayyy... Kita harus take everything lightly, enggak usah dipusingin, anggep enteng aja semuanya. Enak kan jadi orang bebal??

Masalahnya, kalo sekali aja kita mikir serius, pasti kita bakal kepancing untuk mikirin hal-hal penting atau berbicara perkataan serius yang membosankan kayak orang bijak. Ini enaknya hidup di dalam dunia orang bebal, kita enggak usah repot-repot ngobrol serius dengan orang-orang di sekeliling kita.

3. Do As You Feel

Ini lebih menyenangkan lagi, "if it feels good do it". Kalau jadi orang bijak kita musti mikir dulu berkali-kali sebelum melakukan sesuatu, tapi kalo jadi orang bebal enggak usah repot. Just do everything based on our emotion at the moment.

Impulse spending, one night stands, quick divorces.

Nikmatnya dari hidup dengan mengikuti emosi adalah kita enggak perlu belajar untuk endure anything. Kita enggak usah mengalami proses belajar soal persistence, commitment and resistance. Dengan mengikuti emosi, we take the easy way to run from our problems.

Sama seperti Pilatus who chose the easy way, giving in to the emotions of the crowd and taking, thus, the path of least resistance by condemning an innocent man to death and setting free a convicted murder.

The path of least resistance is always downhill and it feels good, the wind rushing through your hair as you head for... well, who cares, I don't feel like thinking about that!

Who I am is what I feel. My truth is the truth. My feelings are my guide and my governor. Kalo kita enggak ngikutin perasaan kita, kita enggak akan bisa jadi orang bebal.

4. Make Stupid Friends

Proverbs bilang soal "iron sharpens iron". For the wise people, this is important in term of companionship. We become like those around us and synergy is a powerful force towards growth. The wise people together are invariably wiser, two funny people funnier.

Therefore, two silly people are sillier.

Nah, yang enaknya dalam prinsip pertemanan orang bebal, kita enggak usah takut kehilangan atau kehabisan teman. Karena stok orang bebal tuh banyak banget di luar sana. Enggak kayak orang bijak yang musti selektif pilih teman. The list of the foolish is endless as their population increasing. Constant supply seems guaranteed, quantity is not a problem and quality doesn't matter.

5. Stick to Your Guns

Istilahnya, kita harus jadi orang yang kepala batu. It's a must. Enggak perduli how crazy the path, kita enggak boleh ke-distract untuk jadi bijaksana. Makanya kita harus kepala batu, supaya tetap bebal.

Barbara Tuchman defines stubborness in this way: It consists in assessing a situation in terms of preconceived fixed notions while ignoring or rejecting any contrary signs. It is action according to wish, while not allowing oneself to be deflected by the facts.

Intinya, enggak usah liat fakta yang ada di depan mata. Jangan dengarkan nasihat teman-teman. Jangan perdulikan konfirmasi yang Tuhan kirimkan melalui orang-orang terdekat kita. Isn't it marvellous??

Kuncinya supaya tetap kepala batu gimana? Kita harus belagu. Only the arrogant will survive this, so put your chin up and walk tall. Refuse to allow the idea that maybe you could be wrong.

6. Developed A Biased Memory

Orang bijak selalu menjadikan masa lalu sebagai pelajaran supaya enggak mengulang kesalahan di masa depan. Orang bebal kalau perlu enggak usah ingat apa-apa, supaya enggak ada yang dipelajari. We have to keep a short memory. Lets live in delusions.

This might be hard, karena otak kita dirancang untuk mengingat. Learning nothing from experience takes a special skill, so don't give up trying. Intinya, only the moment is important. The future and the past are vanishing mist.

You have to protect your stupidity.

7. Criticise Continuously

Finally, the last principle, supaya kita tetap menjadi orang bebal adalah kita harus belajar mengkritik apa pun. Ignorance kita pun harus diolah supaya bertumbuh.

Find things that you don't understand, then criticise it. Look at people who do things that you don't even understand, and criticise them.


Gimana pelajarannya menarik, kan??

Saya yakin kalian waras. Silahkan dipilih mau jadi orang bebal atau yang bijaksana?
Jadi orang bebal gampaaaaang enggak perlu belajar.

It's your choice.

From the book "A Wise Heart The Forgotten Factor" by Philip Baker.

Friday, February 19, 2010


This is hilarious, seven beautiful ladies all in one scene. Pevita, Arumi, Julie, Tika, Carissa, Asmirandah, Revalina.

They are like the 7 deadly sins for me hahhaa.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It ain’t perfect, but it’s worth it
And it’s always getting better
It’s gonna take some time to get it right

So whenever I stumble let me know
You need to spell it out for me

If I ever hurt you it’s not my intention
Cause we’re gonna make our mistakes

Find out how much your heart can take
But I know that you got my back
And baby I got yours

Guy Sebastian & Jordin Sparks - Art of Love

Yes, I'm all about romantic lyrics, so what?

Thanks to CaptainRuby, for sharing it on his blog.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Giving the Gift

Sometimes the best gifts come in really surprising packages.

Everyday, we get to give the gift of life.
It can be painful, it can be terrifying, but in the end it's worth it.

Everytime, we all have the opportunity to give.

Maybe the gifts are not as dramatic as what happens in the operating room.

Maybe the gift is to try and make a simple apology.

Maybe it's to understand another person's point of view.

Maybe it's to hold a secret for a friend.

The joy, supposedly, is in the giving.
So when the joy is gone.. when the giving starts to feel more like a burden.. that's when you stop.

But if you like most people I know, you give till it hurts.

And then you give some more.

Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy, S06E10


And that's just me.
I give till it hurts.
Yet I give some more.

Beli Rumah, Yuk!!

Jika ada seseorang yang mengajak Anda untuk melakukan kalimat di atas, apa yang akan Anda lakukan??

Kebanyakan orang pasti akan diam sebentar, sedikit berpikir, mengernyitkan alis, memberikan pandangan, "Are you kidding me??"

Why is that?
What's wrong with that sentence?

Well, kita semua tahu, membeli rumah tentunya beda dari ajakan-ajakan biasa seperti, "Shopping, yuk."; "Nonton yuk"; "Hangout yuk, jo." Why?? Karena "Beli Rumah" merupakan salah satu keputusan serius yang harus kita ambil. Enggak bisa sembarangan seperti beli rumah-rumahan ketika main monopoli.

Kita mesti pilih baik-baik, karena secara harga juga, membeli rumah atau tempat tinggal sudah bicara soal menguras uang dengan jumlah yang tidak sedikit, menentukan juga tingkat kemapanan seseorang.

Belum lagi besar rumah tersebut, seperti apa desainnya, ada berapa kamar, dan sebagainya. Semua harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda. Tidak harus selalu besar, tidak harus selalu mewah. Ada yang membutuhkan 5 kamar, ada yang cukup dengan 2 kamar saja. Semua tergantung kebutuhan masing-masing penghuninya.

Membeli rumah juga bukan sebuah aktifitas yang bisa Anda lakukan berulang-ulang secara sering. Tidak mungkin, Anda membeli rumah satu, kemudian karena merasa tidak cocok, besoknya, minggu depannya, atau bulan depannya beli lagi yang baru, dan begitu seterusnya, sampai Anda menemukan rumah yang tepat. Rumah Idaman.

Well, bisa sih, kalau Anda sebegitu kayanya, God bless you, tapi pasti Anda akan tiba di satu titik di mana Anda ingin settle di satu rumah.

Hmm.. menurut saya, terserah Anda boleh setuju atau tidak, menjalin hubungan atau "nyemplung" ke dalam sebuah hubungan yang serius (baca: mencari calon pasangan hidup), sama seperti membeli rumah. Tidak bisa sembarangan. Karena merupakan keputusan yang bersifat jangka panjang (baca: seumur hidup, sampai maut memisahkan).

Mungkin tahapnya beda-beda.
Anda mungkin sedang di tahap "melihat-lihat" rumah. Seperti apa sih kira-kira rumah yang Anda idam-idamkan.

Atau sedang di tahap, menabung untuk beli rumah. Dalam kata lain, Anda sudah tahu persis rumah seperti apa yang Anda inginkan. Mungkin sudah Anda lewati setiap hari, mungkin sudah pernah Anda kunjungi dan lihat-lihat dalamnya. Tinggal tunggu waktu yang tepat untuk melakukan down payment.

Atau mungkin di tahap sudah "membeli rumah", sudah nyaman dengan rumah yang Anda tempat sekarang. Selamat untuk Anda yang sudah di tahap ini.

Tahap pertama yang saya sebutkan tadi mungkin tidak terlalu complicated. You can start writing what kind of house that you want. You can start picturing your future house.

Tahap ketiga pun jauh lebih aman, walaupun tetap saja diperlukan maintenance yang baik untuk menjaga rumah tersebut agar tetap "layak huni".

Nah, tahap kedua yang sedikit kompleks, menurut saya. Tahap di mana, Anda sudah merasa yakin, atau mungkin belum yakin, tapi setidaknya Anda sudah bisa bilang, "Rumah seperti ini yang saya cari-cari!!" Yakin?? Hati-hati, you are about to make a huge decision in your life. Coba dilihat-lihat lagi, kalau memang yakin, dan ada dananya kenapa enggak, setidaknya dana untuk down payment.

Yang diperlukan di tahap ini, selain strong determination, adalah the ability to manage your expectation. Anda melewati rumah tersebut setiap hari. Anda sudah mengumpulkan uang untuk bisa membelinya suatu saat. Tapiiiii.. ingat, Anda bukan satu-satunya calon pembeli. Kalau tiba-tiba keduluan orang, mau apa?? Yah, setidaknya Anda sudah tau, rumah seperti apa yang Anda inginkan, tinggal cari lagi yang serupa.

Pesan saya, pelan-pelan saja dalam membeli rumah.
Enggak usah terlalu buru-buru.
Ingat, ini jangka panjang.


You made a hole in my heart.
You turn me upside down, whenever youre around.

ps: Youtube the video, wanted to upload the video, but the internet connection sucks.

His Promise..

I'll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. (Jeremiah)


I've had to say goodbye more times than I would have liked.

But everyone can say that.

And no matter how many times we do it, it still stinks.

And though we'll never forget what we've given up, we owe it to ourselves to KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

What we can't do is live our lives always afraid of the next goodbye, because chances are they're not going to stop.

The trick is to recognize when a goodbye can be a good thing.

And it's a chance to start again.

Betty Suarez, Ugly Betty, S04E11

verse of the day

I’m an open book to You; even from a distance, You know what I’m thinking. You know when I leave and when I get back; I’m never out of Your sight. You know everything I’m going to say before I start the first sentence. I look behind me and You’re there, then up ahead and You’re there, too— Your reassuring presence, coming and going. This is too much, too wonderful. (Psalm)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

wanna have this!

Pray. Pray. Pray.

Work. Work. Work.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Current Obsession...

Converse Red-Leather Jacket

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Case Study

This is a case study for the subject "Gratefulness".

There is always a reason to be grateful.

Pay attention to the conversation below between two people, B just lost his job and in a process of finding a new job, A on the other hand just found a new job but having a doubt on whether he should take the offer or not.

A: I’m still not sure about it. I don’t know whether I should take it or not. It is indeed better than staying in this company, but I think it is still gonna be suck to work there with the 6 months probation thingy. I don’t even know whether I can get a day off or not, and the salary is just slightly better than this one I’m having right now.

B: Well at least you have found a job. Unlike me. Tomorrow is still blurry for me. Well frankly speaking, I think, you better move your effin ass right now while you can. Trust me, it is better than just waiting for your phone to ring, expecting some companies calling you for an interview, that sucks.

A: Well frankly speaking, at least you know what you like. You know what kind of company that you want to work for. Unlike me, I’m still finding my passion, I have to try everything to find out what I’m good at. That sucks even more than just waiting for your phone to ring, trust me.

Do you get it?

Both of them actually have a reason to be grateful.

No matter how bad your condition is…
There is always a reason to be grateful.

it;s round...

It's round.
It spins upside down.

I have always seen it coming, but I never predict it to end like this.
Is this really the best it gets??
Perplexed, I shall say, yes, this is it.

It's funny, looking back two weeks ago.
Everything seemed fine.
Now everything is upside down.

I don't wanna lose faith.
I know, the best is yet to come.

ps: thx elbert, edwin, imel, shinta, sasha, tya

Friday, January 8, 2010

hire me please? hahaha.

Just like Debora said, maybe i can do this for a living.
Anyone agree?
Whateva... haha.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


This is the hardest part for me.. to walk by faith and not by sight.



Bring it on.

It's gonna be awesome, I believe.
Or even if it's not, I'm still gonna believe that it will be awesome eventually.